So much for avoiding politics…

I am annoyed and dismayed at the political process. What is going on in Congress today is appalling and the media will only report what Congress seems to want to say. Worse… the impotence of our government is because of political maneuvering trying to get one candidate or another elected president.

To steal from a line on gizmodo… more after the jump.

Archangel / June 23, 2008 / Political / 13 Comments

Mr. Paul Burns

… or should I say Mr. President?

I try to avoid political commentary since I can be very stubborn about my opinions and politics is probably the most opinionated area of interest, however, a friend of mine is running a blog that is part political commentary and all hysteria. It is most definitely worth reading when you’re tired of the ridiculousness of the current election… its actually worth reading just for the weekly sonnets that Brian, the author, comes up with to summarize the past weeks events.

Paul Burns is obviously not a real candidate… just read his policy on The Moon… but his pseudo mockery of the entire process reflects, accurately I think, what people feel our political process has become. So please, check out Burns for America for a good laugh and “subtle” political humor.

Archangel / June 18, 2008 / Political / 1 Comment


The legitimacy of George Bush’s presidency ran out a while ago. Its now bordering a mockery of everything American. The day that the executive branch thinks that the Constitution of the United States of America is anything but a restriction of government (I remind you sir that our rights are God given per the Declaration of Independence and if you so choose are even the basic rights of humanity simply by our existence) is certainly the day that the body that currently governs the executive deserves to be dissolved. Ignoring any impeachable actions taken by the Bush administration, this action by the US Attorney General at best shows a contempt for American democracy and way of life and at worst shows an intention for Bush to be a dictator of sorts. I’m fine with letting Bush leave with dignity, but we certainly can not let this man continue to run our government and the free world.

Archangel / January 24, 2007 / Personal, Political, xanga / 0 Comments

What have we come to?

Perhaps my rather long nights programming and grading and other varied activities have taken me too far away from the news… but I am finding it very hard believe that something like this wouldn’t have been all over national news which means someone would have likely said something to me… Hush hush UCLA?

There are a number of related videos that were also sent to me, given their vulgar nature I won’t link them, but most of them can be found in the related videos section of the above. The United States seems to be grosly lacking in accountability of ourselves. I think I can justly say that a lot of present day issues stem back to President Bush who seems to be leading the government to a unitarian regime. Perhaps the fact that Bush’s policies stop many of these stories that would cause public outcry from ever making real headlines is what is stopping the nation from holding our own government accountable. Bewilder the masses, gain an empire?

Archangel / December 17, 2006 / Personal, Political, xanga / 0 Comments

Archangel / April 28, 2006 / Personal, Political, xanga / 0 Comments