
I am absolutely ecstatic… I haven’t felt this good in far too long! I haven’t slept in 4 days (minus a small nap last night and 2 days ago) so I’m sure some of this is just lucidity, but there is only one thing that can ruin my mood (ignoring unforeseeable tragedies) and that isn’t going to happen.

Are you ready for this? I found my sister! After 3 years of stalkerish research (without knowing where to search), I found her. Ok… so I don’t think I’ve ever posted about this so I’ll give a little background. When I was 6, a girl came to my door on Christmas Eve and asked to see her dad. I don’t think its hard to imagine that a 6 year old was more than confused. It was a sore spot with my mom so my brother and I were sent to our rooms and the girl was gone the next morning without any explanation. When I was 16 or so, my cousin Jill let it slip that I had a half sister and thats who the girl at the door was. So, shortly after I left for college, I started a search for her. It wasn’t anything very strong, just people searches and property and phone searches. About 2 months ago, I got some of my aunts to ask my dad about my sister and I found out she had aunts and uncles in Ohio. When I got home from Memorial Day weekend I immediately started searching for them in the last locations my dad knew them to be in. I found 2 uncles, 1 in Ohio and 1 in LA. Unfortunately neither of them answered their phones for a few weeks and the one in Ohio didn’t have an answering machine. Well, my dad was down last night to visit and he got me interested again so I ran a property search for all of Deleware county on just the last name (originally I ran it with the first name or the uncle too). This time I found one of my sisters aunts, who did answer the phone. I had a misconception about what some records meant (I don’t know tax law) but I did get to talk to her for like half an hour. Turns out that my sister lives in the greater Columbus area. She isn’t in Ohio right now, she’s in CA visiting her grandmother, but she comes back tonight and I should hopefully get to talk to her tomorrow.

Still more along with that… I’m an uncle to a 4 year old boy! I don’t know any more than that other than my sister used to live in Hawaii and is married, both of which are reasons I wasn’t able to just find her originally.

There is also other news completely aside from all of the above “helping” in my mood today. Although, I’m not really sure whats going on.


Edit: what the deuce? You can rate your content??? Does it allow for internet filtering anyone know?

Archangel / July 5, 2006 / Personal, xanga

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