Whats that you say? Tumble weeds? Never.
My apologies again on the increasing gap (read fjord) between my entries.
Some comments:
-Life is not luxurious nor is it easy. Some would like to think that simply ignoring the bad will keep you happy or get you to where you’re going a little easier. In truth, it just propagates ignorance.
-Maturity is relative. To be honest, it can be relative to relative. It is all a matter of what your (most of the time narrow) window happens to be looking at.
-I’m neither ready for life nor maturity… but I don’t think I have a choice.
Somehow, I’m only taking 12 hours of classes, but I’m doing more work for them than I have done in quarters that I’ve taken 20 hours in. I’ll concede that all of my classes are engineering so a little more work is to be expected, but I really feel this is a little ridiculous. Other than the time on Sunday I take out for my family, I’m usually working on homework, grading, in class, programming, or writing some unnecessarily long report. I’m actually going to take a fair amount of time far myself tonight since for once I have no impending failure or catastrophe in some class. Although… I do have a midterm on Friday…
Decisions… Possible futures… I need a damned crystal ball… that actually works.
I don’t think that ignoring the negative in your life can you make you happy…per se…but choosing to ignore the impact of the bad, can inhibit the toxicity that the bad has on achieving happiness….which is better than dwelling on it.
I have no idea if that is coherent,
no, you don’t know me, I’m just browsing through the cyberworld and thinking about people’s thoughts, ’tis interesting