Good God. Journalism is dead.
I’m sure it is no suprise that I fall into the camp that believes the media (in general) did everything possible to get Obama elected and is still doing their best to keep Obama’s image positive (usually by blaming someone else for failures in judgement or omissions of common sense). To those who would like to beat me with a billy club for saying such things, please read this article from CNN. Yes it is listed as a “commentary”, but if this doesn’t show how much some of the media is just deep throating Obama, you are just being deliberately obtuse.
And I quote: “Whether it’s creating commissions for women and girls, ordering the investigation of President Bush’s use of signing statements, or jamming a huge stimulus package through Congress, the man is working his tail off. And he seems to be loving every minute of it. It’s almost as though our president was born to do exactly what he’s doing.” This commentator managed to show everything that is wrong with Obama’s administration and Obama’s excessive narcisim all at once. Then goes on to say, “He’s leading, and boy, is that refreshing.” The whole thing comes across as sarcastic… but then you keep reading… and its not.