I will remember…
I’ve heard a lot of people in recent days complain about the coverage of 9-11 events. I’ve heard people say they’re offended by the continued reading of the names of those that were lost 8 years ago today. I’ve heard people say, “move on” and, “let the wounds heal”. While it is true it does us no good to dwell in the past, I think it is an affront to the American society to let this event fade into the past. It is, without equivocation, the single worst event to befall American citizens. It led to the restructuring of how we as a people think about personal and national security and brought to the forefront, for how ever fleeting of a moment it was, the kinds of enemies we have around the world. We can let the pain pass, we can let the anger pass, but we can never forget what happened. Lest we also forget our need to protect and defend our own people… much less our way of life. So, without attack or any cowboy notion that we need to go blow up a whole other nation… I will remember.