
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows didn’t end up a total waste of time, but I’m still not happy with it. I’ll say no more, don’t know who hasn’t read it yet.

Pictures of me in a kilt on Facebook.

Archangel / August 17, 2007 / Personal, xanga / 0 Comments

Say what you will…

I may be ostentatious, but at least I’m not pretentious.

Since being back from Dallas, I’ve done very little actual work at Cisco… despite my repeated prodding of my mentor. On the upside, I’m now about one-third of the way through the 7th Harry Potter (The Deathly Hallows). I loved book 6… the first of the series that I was really really interested in, 5 was pretty good, 4 was annoying and the other 3 were just childish (which is most definitely is to be expected). 7… so far… is almost dreadful. The first few opening scenes are well done, even though I’ve found some severe annoyances with them, but after the initial escape from Voldemort the book lulls unbearably. I’m hoping that it will pick up soon, although from the spoilers I’ve read it will continue on to the point of being painful…

I’m currently stuck in a very uncomfortable if not unhappy position. I can’t describe it as it confounds me…

Archangel / August 15, 2007 / Work, xanga / 0 Comments

I think you are supposed to come back from vacation feeling refreshed… right? I haven’t been this wiped out in a while.

Fate was working against my vacation the entire time. When making arrangements to get to and from the airport, I discovered that my return flight was wrong and had to get that fixed. Friday, I lost my itinerary at a gas station and had to call to get my confirmation number again (wait time was supposed to be 11 minutes so I figured I could just be away from my desk for a few… definitely waited 24). At about the time I was supposed to leave for the airport an accident involving a semi closed down I-40… at the airport… We found another way to get there, but a torrential rain started (fortunately we left an hour and a half before my flight). At the airport, going through security, they tell me I can’t have my shampoo, hair gel, tooth paste or shaving gel in my carry on (they were singularly and cumulatively over the limit of 3 fl. oz…. then again not much isn’t…) so I had to go back to check in, reorganize my bags since I had electronics in both carry ons and go through security again. After finally getting to the gate I discovered I’d also left my sun glasses at the check in counter… I gave those up as a loss to the Fates. Of course I would have had time since my flight was delayed for 2 and a half hours because of storms. The flight out was interesting to say the least. There was a minimum of 3 times that the plane hit an air pocket and fell a few hundred feet… yay…

Saturday was a lot of fun. The experiences of the night before and the lack of sleep gave me an annoyed demeanor, but we still had a lot of fun at the Renaissance Fair. (Pictures of me in a kilt will be on facebook sometime soon… maybe.) There was only one little bump: Matthew started throwing some fits later in the afternoon. It turns out though that he was up late the night before (since he had just come back from Hawaii) and up early the next day (to drive to my Dad’s) so I guess it is surprising that he really lasted to 5pm without throwing fits.

Sunday was nice. I spent the day with Theresa shopping around for new sandals (didn’t find any that I liked completely). We had dinner with my mom and Tim picked me up around 8. I spent most of Sunday night reformatting my computer and installing about 40GB of applications and such… not fun, but it had to be done (XP 64but just has too many compatibility problems). I figured we would leave around noon Monday, or at least early aftenoon. Turned out that Tim told everyone 4pm and we didn’t leave until 5:30. The drive to Dallas was interesting. On the way from Cinci to Louisville, Tim missed the 71/75 (it was a single lane split so not hard to miss), but we didn’t notice until we were too far south to really do anything so we caught 64W adding another hour and a half or so to the drive. We then had to do a little hunting for a friend of Mike’s in Louisville (not much, the directions were just a bit ambiguous). The drive was mostly ok after that, but as we crossed into Texas we got hit with a number of rainstorms slowing us down and stopping us from time to time getting us to Dallas about 2 hours later than we had to be there (for setup since 4 of us volunteered this year).

The actual convention was a lot of fun… and I think for the first year, no one got severely pissed off at anyone for the entire trip. I won’t go into the full details, because they’re boring to type out, but one big annoyance and something that was a lot of fun. The annoyance: While we were there, there were 2 volunteer prize drawings… both times Tim, Matt, and Steve won something and I did not even though I had more “points” than all 3 of them (I was really pissed after the 2nd drawing for like 4 hours). The something fun: Saturday night, a series of events unfolded that allowed me to somehow become something of a point man in an investigation to find a stolen PSP. We found the kid, confiscated anything he didn’t check in with, made him give back all of the free stuff had had gotten while there (including the shirt he was wearing), and blacklisted him from everything Quakcon (Given that I’m sure a number of other cons check our lists/forums, he is probably blacklisted from most of the big cons in America). I even had the person satisfaction of escorting the teen out the doors (cameras ablaze). The kid has been nicknamed “PSP Kid” and there are many pictures and photoshops of him around the internet. Less than 30 minutes after the event, there was even a wiki article about him created (which has since been removed).

The drive home sucked. Simply put, I was awake for the better part of 36 hours including the drive and my flight to NC (I did take a short nap at Theresa’s before the flight)… I really feel like I’ve been given a horse tranquilizer at the moment…

Thats enough for now… I’ll see what I can do about pictures.

Archangel / August 7, 2007 / Personal, xanga / 0 Comments

I didn’t give you any fish!

I’m alone again, but I’m strangely not lonely… that must sound awful but and may not be made any better by me trying to explain. I suppose I should say first that I am sad Theresa is gone and I definitely feel the distance and wish we didn’t have to be so far from each other. That said… I’m not sullen like I was before. I think I can attribute that to some things that were said while Theresa was here. I’m not worried about certain things and I may have even gotten a glimpse of what is to come.

Work got a little boring again. I finished all of the major bug fixes last week and was supposed to start a new project this week, but my mentor hasn’t been able to get the right people together to get the requirements (I’d like to attribute that to the fact that I was done 3 weeks ahead of schedule… but it probably has more to do with the fact that we had an application blow up with week that needed to be fixed asap). Monday and Tuesday were almost dreadful… but then I got an idea yesterday morning… There is a list of books that I want to read that keeps growing without anything coming off it… I figured if I have 8 hours a day to myself (and the internet is NOT that interesting) I could knock a few off the top… After about 5 hours yesterday and an hour today… I read the whole of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (not impressive, but as far as eBooks go its what I could find the fastest that was on my list). I think I’m just going to finish off the series and hopefully before the end of the summer (I don’t know how much down time I’ll really have) I’ll get to the Lord of the Rings and the Sumerillian (although, Angels and Demons has been calling me and I was recently told of a series call Archangel… which I’m sure you all can understand catches my fancy). I’ve also decided to add The Wheel of Time to my list… despite Brian’s overzealous attempts to ward me off. After I get through my list… which I admit will probably take me the next few years… Theresa has a fantastic collection of Sci-Fi and Fantasy… many of the titles I know and more of which I don’t (and interest me).

I’ve also taken some time out today to read up on a few networking technologies (and brush up on a couple others). For anyone who isn’t familiar with OpenWRT (and the most popular of GUIs for it DD-WRT), they are fantastic tools for anyone with a WRT based device to learn on. In one of the latest releases they’ve taken a very simple concept (network bridging, originally applied in ethernet) and applied to virtual adapters making some very neat things possible. On my old WRT54G, I’ve discovered how to use up to 4 ISP connections and run fail over connections (unfortunately, I’ve been unsuccessful in load balancing so far) using bridges and VLANs. I’ve discoverd (using a very similar technique) how to use the old linksys as a full blown router controlling up to 5 separate domains (more if you want to do wireless domains) each having their own DNS, DHCP, and FQDN. I think the most interesting of all is the ability of OpenWRT to do virtual wireless interfaces so I can do tiered wireless security. Currently on my router, I have 2 wireless networks running of a single box… one with WAP2 (no RADIUS) that has access to the LAN and another using 128bit WEP that only has internet access and is even unable to access other wireless clients in its subnet (using what I think to be creative iptables rules).

My primary interest though was reading up on a fairly new technology called ethernet over IP which the beta version of DD-WRT supports. Basically, this just negotiates a TCP/IP connection between 2 endpoints (routers usually) that carries ethernet traffic (unfortunately over low cost unencrypted tunnels) – if you are more familiar with WDS then tunnels you can think of it like a WDS network just with routers and over the internet, in fact the encryption would be exactly the same… only as good as the medium is configured on.. This tech really isn’t anything special when you consider how PPP/IPsec/L2TP VPN tunnels work (basically the same damn thing just authenticated and encrypted). However it is a fun thing to play with and actually forwards all ethernet traffic (which is only important for ARP/etc – which is completely worthless since most VPN servers are on routers with a local DNS which every DHCP client registers with). In the end… for a home use this is nearly worthless since the firmware also supports encrypted PPTP and even if it didn’t you’d be much better off using Hamachi than fussing around with tunnels which may or may not be up at any given moment (which is true also for Hamachi, but at least you can see the status without SSHing to your router – although… DD-WRT does have a logging program available which allows you to poll your routers).

I completely didn’t mean to drone on that long… sorry. For those of you who skipped the last 2 paragraphs… I don’t blame you. If you didn’t, I hope your eyes aren’t bleeding and head screaming.

Archangel / July 19, 2007 / Personal, Work, xanga / 0 Comments

I can only imagine

“Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel,
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still,
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall,
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all”

The last 4 weeks have gone by remarkably fast (save a few days), especially this last week. I’m quite impressed with how quickly this summer seems to be going. Despite the fact that I don’t have many people to go out and have fun with I seem to be enjoying my summer more than I’ve enjoyed any so far in college. Don’t get me wrong, I miss everyone back home a lot, but it is actually really nice to be somewhere far away completely on my own working at a company that I like doing things that I enjoy. Tara will be devastated, but I could actually see moving down on a less temporary basis (but that is at least a year off and there is a lot I have to think about and do before that can happen).

Archangel / July 13, 2007 / Personal, xanga / 1 Comment