Apparently if you have a blog Thanksgiving posts are obligatory…
My Thanksgiving was actually very nice again this year. My dad and brother came down from Falls and we had dinner with my sister. I made an apple pie again this year that came out pretty well and I figured out how to reproduce the absolute lemonade from Red Robin pretty well (albeit a fair bit stronger… no thanks to Danielle). The only down side was that Theresa couldn’t be there… it would have been a 5 hour round trip drive to get her so…
The rest of the weekend was pretty good too. I spent Friday at my mom’s and Friday night Theresa and I put up the Christmas tree. Saturday, Tim and I hung out for a few hours and went climbing for a little while. I spent the rest of the afternoon working on a project for school but went out with Theresa, her parents and my mom for a birthday dinner for Theresa at Downtown 140 in Hudson.
The last couple days have been interesting. I’ve been arguing with my dad about something and he’s treating me like a child again. Whats worse is he reniged on something he told me (in front of two other people) and is trying to say he never said it… and somehow through all of this he’s decided he has a right to be angry with me. How delightful.