I thought the customer was always right???

It seems that buying a house is not as easy as the news would have you think. My experiences have been mostly rude people making absurd demands and then trying to beat me (one special person I think would have liked to physically) into submission. I have never experienced a more consumer unfriendly market in my life! Obviously, with such high value purchases, all parties want the deal to be favorable to themselves and equitable at worst so when dealing with a seller you should expect some creative dealings, but outright rudeness? Well, here is the saga of me buying a house, which I did but lost 🙁

Sometime in May, Theresa and I were out looking at mattresses down in Apex. The one I have now has lost all springy-ness (unless you consider feeling springs in your back springy) and have had it since I was 11-ish (13 years). On the way home I saw a sign for new town homes and thought it might be interesting to drive through and see what was being offered. The homes were nice enough and there was a website listed so we went home and checked out the site. We weren’t too impressed with what was being offered for the price so Theresa asked me if I wanted her to look around at other properties. I told her “sure”, but I wasn’t very serious about buying anything just yet. Well, the next day when I got home from work, she had already contacted a Realtor (who we’ll call Bob) and Bob had already sent us some listings. Theresa, being pretty excited, wanted to go look at some properties that weekend. For the moment I was happy to play along and we looked at some listings from what Bob sent us and some others we found online. Friday night we went to look at a few on our own to try and decide some preferences early. As an anecdote, it seems there is a magic like in Apex that once you go south of everything turns to crime ridden (or so it looks) slums… it was frightening… and quite visible. We narrowed the list down to just 3 that we wanted Bob to show us. And so it began…


Archangel / August 21, 2009 / Personal, xanga / 2 Comments

Ugh… if you need something done right do it yourslef?

My website host informed me last week (while I was at quakecon!) that my account had been suspended for longer than 10 days and my account had been deleted…? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

I honestly can’t fathom how that happened. I responded immediately to every suspension and even have an email from my last cron job which occurred 2 days before the deletion (which aren’t supposed to run when your account is suspended). Fortunately, I backup the website fairly regularly so I only lost one post… the one complaining about my host… how convenient? Anyway, I think I have everything worked out finally… and prepare for a bitchfest… just warning you… its coming.

Archangel / August 19, 2009 / Personal / 0 Comments

AMAZING comment thread on slashdot.

Indian CEO Says Most US Tech Grads “Unemployable”

“yes.. because getting in foreign workers will help REDUCE local unemployment…. maybe in soviet russia.”

“If you have 10 people and none of them have jobs, you have 100% unemployment. If you then bring in 90 people with jobs and keep the 10 people with no jobs, you have 100 people and only 10% unemployment. See? Bringing in people and giving them jobs does help local unemployment.”

“OK, you made me laugh. But … Theoretically you should get an even lower UE rate. You see those 90 people with jobs will need someone to serve them burgers when they go McDonalds. If 3 of the original 10 unemployed get jobs serving the needs of those 90, leaving you with a 7% UE rate, and, more importantly, with a lower number of unemployed people. That, at least in theory, is how bringing in skilled labour is meant to reduce unemployment.”

“If those 90 people are forbidden from eating cows by their religion, the original 10 are still screwed. McDonald’s won’t be hiring.”

“wtf does mcdonalds have to do with cows?”

“About as much as KFC has to do with chickens.”

Archangel / June 22, 2009 / Personal / 0 Comments

My current theme annoys me.

I’m not looking for a professional site by any means… but for some reason my current layout/scheme looks very… rough, to me anyway. I’ve been playing with the current css and images, etc and can’t come up with anything much better than what I got.

Check out the links after the jump to preview what I’m considering. Keep in mind that I will customize a fair amount as far as sidebar content, but I like the color schemes pretty well. Thoughts are welcome.


Archangel / April 14, 2009 / Personal / 2 Comments

Verzion can burn in Hell…

Unfortunately… I think they’re already part of it…

So… my contract is almost up and I’m looking to get a smart phone and data plan. I’ve been a customer of Verizon since I was 16 (a little more than 8 years) with the account in my name since I was 18 so I thought it would just be easiest to stay with them. I’ve been watching Verizon phones in dismay for over a year. The Moto Q, the Treo 700, the xv6800/6900… most of the phones have been nearly unusable not to mention completely crippled by Verizon (i.e. they remove BlueTooth profiles, WiFi capability, and completely restrict access to the GPS chips). I kinda just figured that this wouldn’t change and when I really wanted a smart phone I’d just switch to AT&T until I saw the Samsung Omnia. It has all of the features I want, is very customizable, and actually has enough memory and processor power to be useful. The only disappointment was that Verizon, in standard normal fashion, crippled the GPS to only be usable with the VZNavigator. However, I was given hope when I read some online communities quoted Verizon execs saying it would be unlocked in the first half of ’09.

I tried to upgrade my account online and noticed I wasn’t able to select the “Connect” plan which was supposed to be unlimited data, messaging, etc. In fact… the only plans I could select were the “Basic” and the “Select” plans and I had to add a data plan on top of those… With some concern, I sent Verizon a request for information (I didn’t keep the exact wording… but I do tend to be very tactful when asking questions of this sort – they were also nice enough to “recap” the phone conversation in an email).


Archangel / March 30, 2009 / Personal / 4 Comments