Emanuel literally translates to “God with us”. I find that very interesting.
truth (tr th)
n. pl. truths (tr th z, tr
- Conformity to fact or actuality.
- A statement proven to be or accepted as true.
- Sincerity; integrity.
- Fidelity to an original or standard.
- Reality; actuality.
- often Truth That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.
I would like to call everyone’s attention to definition 3. Sincerity; integrity. The brutal truth is a difficult beast. You can say it sincerely trying to divulge the entirety of something. You can say it with spite trying to hurt someone. You can maintain integrity by showing you have nothing to hide. You can lose your integrity by going too far. I suppose the truth isn’t just the truth, but the spirit behind it. As often as it has hurt someone, my honesty is almost never out of malcontent, but it might seem like it… I suppose we all have a fine line to walk. For those who care to read this, know that the full truth is only ever a question away if you feel I’m hiding something.
I must say at this very moment I am elated. Quite possibly, this is the happiest I’ve been and it is at least very close. I’m very scared at the moment as well, but that shall pass in time.
Classes kinda suck this quarter… not a single professor I like. I have 1 cheerleader and 4 eastern Europeans. Ironically, my teacher for my languages and automata class even speaks in broken English… I hold out hope for my electrical engineering teacher. His cold should soon pass.
Nice picture but it’s definitely not you….you need to smile, kid. Or at least have me in the picture *wink*
look at the picture i left in the last post, its a more accurate portrayal xD…and out of curiousity arch, for I dont want to back read your xanga, why all of the sudden analyses on truth?
You would have to read my entries on my LiveJournal from 6 months ago to really understand this, but I talk about things that are on my mind and they usually are from something that has happened to me. This analysis of truth comes from something that was pretty private, but it was on my mind to I talked about it anyway.