“What I need… is a change of scenery”

But how far should I go? I might start looking at internships in New York, Chicago, Miami, Huston and San Diego. I feel like can’t stay here anymore. Its driving me insane. Knowing what I know, feeling what I feel, wanting what I want, being who I am. I’m not meant to be here. I feel like I’m shackled so tightly I can barely move inside a very small cage where I can see the outside world flying by but there isn’t a damn thing I can do. Soon enough, days turn into weeks… weeks turn into months… months turn into years and I’ve progressed no where and done little to be proud of. How can I enjoy my life when I’m too busy preparing for it? Hell, how can I enjoy it when my thoughts are consumed by things that have no business being there and only serve to torment me while I sleep?

This might just as well be my doing since I talked about it a few days ago… but the worst recurring nightmare I’ve ever had in my life (the one the leaves me ice cold, wet, and stiff as a 6 foot wooden plank) came back. I’m actually afraid to sleep at the moment.

At least I can say I have a 3.9 GPA in engineering right?

Archangel / April 27, 2006 / Personal, xanga

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