“When He broke open the sixth seal…”

“I looked, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun grew black as
sackcloth of hair, the moon became like blood. And the stars of the sky dropped to the earth like a fig tree
shedding its unripe fruit out of season when shaken by a strong wind. And the sky rolled up like a scroll and vanished, and every mountain and island was dislodged from its place. Then
the kings of the earth and their noblemen and their magnates and their
military chiefs and the wealthy and the strong and
slave or free hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the
mountains, And
they called to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on (before) us and
hide us from the face of Him Who sits on the throne and from the deep-seated indignation and wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of His wrath (vengeance, retribution, indignation) has come, and who is able to stand before it?” No being in creation nor body of heaven or hell. All will lay down for Him.

For all you doomsayers out there… kiss my ass… the world isn’t ending today.

I had an amazing amount of fun yesterday. Despite the fact that I had 2 midterms today (still 1 to go and 1 tomorrow) I was out with Rebecca from 4 till almost 11 (after studying for econ for a few hours).

My finals have thus far been incredibly kind to me. I’d been expecting a freakishly hard week, but so far its been a breeze. Maybe that 150 hours of homework and labs was actually worth something…. probably not.

Adios… I’m off to my Econ final… if there is any final that I could possibly underestimate, it would be this one. Econ is so completely worthless.

Archangel / June 6, 2006 / Personal, xanga

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