I am, you are, enough said.

I’m not really sure what did it, but I’ve pulled or badly strained my lower abdominal… Not that I really do a lot that requires them at the moment, but it is painful to do much of anything.

Insight to the nature of mankind: “Men are dicks and women are bitches… live with it.” I’ll not reference the author of that quote nor will I comment. I’d like to think I’m not a dick and I have hope that I’ll meet a woman that isn’t (even in part, as another noted those qualities aren’t full time jobs) of the spawn of Satan.

Someone told me months ago that I let other people “define me”. Of course I immediately denied anything of the sort, I’ve been independent for sometime now. Like anything that has any ounce of truth in it, the conversation rolled around in my head for a long time and I never came up with a substantial argument against it. As much as I dislike the idea, the commentary was true. I can’t say for certain that the previous sentence belongs in the past tense, but I am completely free and have only myself to define me right now… and thats a good feeling.

Dios dirigirte y protegerte… Espero conocerte otra vez.

Archangel / September 27, 2006 / Personal, xanga


  1. baalson - September 27, 2006 @ 6:33 pm

    Babies come from the giant sphincter at the center of the earth. They roll around in the mantle for a while, then slowly are regurgitated onto the face of the planet. Somehow, women acheive the presence of the baby inside them, and they ferment for another nine months. Finally reaching their mature taste, they unhappily enter the world for a second time. -Dictionary of Keith. Re-“Where do babies come from?”

  2. Negative_High - September 29, 2006 @ 6:21 pm

    Are you like… 2o-fucking-3? Like why are on here? And you’re stupid comment of saying how you WONT comment on that quote, was simply… pointless. And I mean, just cuz I am a ‘woman’ does not make me an shape or for of a bitch. But then again, you know… a bitch a dog.. that bark.. bark grows on trees.. trees are part of nature and nature is BEAUTIFUL. So thanks for the compliment. And you know, if you’re not a dick.. you are a pussy. I am sorry to tell you, I cant crawl on top of myself and make MYSELF pregnaunt all by my lonesome. So, I think you should just leave xanga and leave all those generalizations about men and women alone.

    just a happy thought. don’t complain, dont whine… life goes on…..

  3. archangel122184 - September 29, 2006 @ 7:21 pm

    For someone who is 16… I’m impressed (more accurately stunned) by your lack of ability in arithmatic… 2006-1984=22, which is still wrong because I was born in December… but I would have given partial credit on your little tirate.

    You can’t take one euphamism and tear it apart (i.e. bitch… where you chose to take the literal meaning) and then use one yourself (i.e. dick, the litereal meaning being a slang term for penis) after using the previous as an obscure metaphore that had no relavance to the original comment. In doing so, you show your severe lack in understanding of the English language and even a lack of understanding in your own argument.

    Now to respond to you in a slightly more dignified manner. First, I use Xanga because I have an inhibition towards sharing things with my friends, not because I don’t like them, it just makes me uncomfortable most of the time. You could have easily gotten that had you bothered to read the history kept in my Xanga instead of superficially looking at one post and passing judgement. Second, since you are angry at my lack of comment on the quote from my friend, I shall not repose until I have sufficiently made amends (since Xanga doesn’t convey sarcasm… you couldn’t cut it with a katana there…).

    Men are dicks for the most part. Taking this to mean stubborn and pig-headed, that is the stereotypical definition of a man. I myself do not subscribe to it, nor do most of my friends, but for the most part we are all labeled as such because we have an organ (not the musical instument) hanging between our legs. I am, however, rather conservative, which makes me appear pompus to many. I can’t really change who I am despite many efforts by myself and past girlfriends.

    Women… well, my sample at the moment is quite tainted. I’ve had several relationships with “interesting” endings and can sometimes be seen spewing venom as I curse all women. In reality, I wouldn’t trade the women who remain friends in my life for the perfect girlfriend. My best friends are all men, but the women in my life keep me sane and to a point happy so I can’t really condemn women to the same fate as men in my own head.

    As for me making “those generalizations about mean and women”, as you noted in your fourth poorly contructed sentence… it was a quote from a friend of mine and no where close to my own thought (well… at the moment it was said it was closely alighned, but thats an entirely different discussion).

  4. baalson - October 3, 2006 @ 7:56 pm

    ……dude. you need a new hobby. I saw this chick at a CVS, and she was downing bottle after bottle of midol. Right in the aisle! i’m not even sure i want to see what you left as a message on her site. But i will anyways. on a second thought, please continue your new hobby. Jesus loves you and so do i. I’m sure it helps some people with their emotional outlet. For all we know, this girl’s pent up rage could have been directed at a puppy, or an innocent toddler. But you, a wise and thinking adult, took her rage upon yourself. the sacrifice was great. I recognize you as the supreme ‘Zard! command me.

  5. baalson - October 3, 2006 @ 7:57 pm

    And that whole Waco thing was pure, unadulterated brilliance.

  6. Colorful_Mandikins - October 4, 2006 @ 10:32 am

    adam all that was great…i loved it…i loved how it all started from a talk we had the other night….im glad you are keith and i’s friend….u better stay just the way u r or u can’t be in my wedding…hehehe…love ya bro…mandi


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