Damned for all time.

I have never heard, read, or otherwise observed a solid argument for or against the existence of God. Those who argue for assume that God exists and therefore little argument has to be made. Those who argue against assume God doesn’t exist because they don’t want to live by his rules or can’t imagine God being so cruel as to let man live as we are so they also assume little argument has to be made. I’m quite tired of the pious “the Bible says so” or the ignorant “just look around you”… Can someone please start with the premise, “I don’t know”?

I could keep rambling for quite a while as I avoid my reasons for posting today… but what would be the point? No one who reads will actually care nor will anyone who cares actually read…

Someone who is exceptionally close to me is potentially very ill and I don’t know how to deal with it. I don’t know all/any of the details yet, but I know it is not good. It would be cruel, God would be cruel, to take this away from me. But of course, God doesn’t take… the ailments of men are our own design. The filth of our own bodies is the curse Adam and Eve left us. But we need someone do blame don’t we? There is no life without purpose so there has to be someone to blame, someone to curse and dread. In the end, we only have our mortal bonds to criticize and rebuke… it is our physical weakness that brings our demise. But we need someone to blame. There is no life without purpose… so it has to be someone’s fault… it had to be God’s choice… God’s will.

Archangel / December 13, 2007 / Personal, xanga


  1. rubberbands4liberty - December 18, 2007 @ 11:17 pm

    I’m going to change my former statements, and not for the sake of this entry…but just because I know God DOES exist. How do I know?
    I don’t.
    I guess the real answer for me is that I have to keep searching for real evidence…because I have to have hope that there is something better than this shitty life. There has to be…otherwise, what’s the point of anything?
    But yeah. I don’t know.
    But I don’t think it’s God’s will for those we care about to be hurt/sick. You were right before…that’s our own fault. I guess if we want to blame someone for the shittiness of this world, we should just blame ourselves. That was the whole reason for grace, right?
    Don’t know if you wanted to hear any of that from me..but I’ll pray for your friend, and I’m sorry they’re sick.


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