There’s something in the air…

and its probably not a good thing.

Quite possibly the funniest thing I’ve heard in weeks was a sick joke about my own life. Is it possible for me to just live my life without some sort of terrible drama mucking it up? Ask me in a few years, I’ll let you know. Seriously… I managed to clean up most of my messes and pick up the pieces from everything thats happened (save a few small ones that made it into the corners) and my life has to explode again. I must have pissed God off more than most people… I of course don’t subscribe to this idea, but theres a line in a movie that describes God as a child with a magnifying glass and man kind is just an anthill… at the moment that makes me chuckle.

Archangel / January 8, 2007 / Personal, xanga


  1. baalson - January 9, 2007 @ 8:22 am



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