Too many prayers to make…
… but God hears them all.
First, to the the families of the VA Tech students lost last week. It is no comfort in this place, but your children are much better off in the next world than this one. Second, to my friend Maaz. I’m not sure if I can equate your pain to anything I have felt and I know your doctrine says you only have three days, but I pray for your understanding and acceptance of what has happened. Third, the many silent prayers I must make today… some selfish, some not.
Theresa and I have known each other for better than four months now. We’ve been together for a few weeks less. In that time we’ve only had one real argument that made either of us angry (neither of us were angry… I think her word – “disappointed” – was much better). A lot of times in a relationship, I (and I think most) are “waiting for the other shoe to drop”. Its nice to not even have the first hit the floor for once.
Lots of tests coming up… Monster of a history exam tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Edit: P.S. I’m definitely working for Cisco in NC for the summer. More details some other time.
wtb quakecon
i am sad. adam is leaving for sure. the sadness in my heart is overflowing, and i cannot feel my toes of joy any longer. I hide beneath the trees, but they give me no shade from the ugly sun of unbearable heat. where shall i find my relief?….Polsdorfers in town for the summer? Nm then.
way to much.
Im on Cingular (the new at&t), and i would rather just not pay for it at all honestly.