Posts are lacking… so is time.

I must appologize for my severe lack in posting as of late. Since I’ve been home from Dallas, most of my time has been spent dealing with moving preparations. I’m fortunate I started when I did… I had no idea how much was involved in moving one’s life completely to a new area of the country. That is actually kind of a missnomer… I had no idea how slow people were in the service industry. For example… I went to the bank to close my savings and checking (since my old bank doesn’t exist in North Carolina) and it took about an hour just to get anything done. Then of course the next day I checked the bank and my savings wasn’t closed and my car payment (through the same bank) was still scheduled to come out of my (now empty) savings account in a couple days. Compound similar issues to this by all the things you have to do to move and thats what my life has been like for 3 weeks.

There of course have been some good things come about: My new TV for one. I’ve also bought about a nifty “futon sofa bed” (its like a futon except it looks like a couch and is much more comfortable to sleep on) and some other furniture which should hopfully meet me in North Carolina. [By the way… my move date is September 1, 2008 for anyone else who wants to ask.]

Other than spending an egregious amount of money… I haven’t done much outside of getting ready to leave. Theresa and I have spent a lot of time together bouncing back and forth between her parent’s and my mother’s house. We did get to go down to Columbus one last time. That turned out to be a great weekend. I had dinner with the Gannons and the Martins, got a chance to see Maaz, and finally went boating with dad and Tara (we were rained out for July 4th).

I know I said I’d comment on QuakeCon… but I don’t really know what to say. It was definitely better that I thought it was going to be… enough so that I actually want to go again next year. I don’t know that there was a “best part” of the trip, but I did really enjoy the entire vacation. However, I learned some things I would rather not have known. Not necessarily things that bother me, but things that change my opinion about some people.

Archangel / August 24, 2008 / Personal


  1. Eclipse - August 24, 2008 @ 8:48 pm

    Schultzie, why does your RSS feed suck so much? It won’t display any content from the body of whatever is your latest entry and the older entries only give you about a sentence before it displays a lameass “more” link. This is outrageous! As nice as your site is, I should be able to read the entire Internet from the safety of my own website and you are making this difficult.

  2. Archangel - August 25, 2008 @ 11:43 am

    I have no idea… Until now I had no idea my RSS was screwing up. I’m looking into it, my guess is that the theme I use isn’t compatible with the RSS in the last 2 WordPress updates I’ve done.

  3. Archangel - August 25, 2008 @ 11:57 am

    Well… the XML looks fine to me. Although, full text is under content:encoded which is a CDATA field. It would seem to be non-standard since firefox doesn’t read the feed right either.

  4. Eclipse - August 26, 2008 @ 12:03 pm

    ah i’m seeing it now, there’s the standard tag that my friends page looks for, but apparently one is not supposed to put html code in the description tag. It’s just supposed to be a quick intro, hence the […] that shows on your past entries. Your full content is in a tag which seems to be the new hotness in RSS html coding. Would be all super-duper except I can’t get my magpierss to read it presumably because of the colon. I will note that your RSS feed looks pretty nifty in Safari which probably takes the content:encoded into account and gives me a whole lot of options to read it, not that I care. All I want to do is pull up your latest entry on my friends.php I guess I’ll go see if there’s an update to magpierss to take this into account since it seems like a beginning of a new standard. Failing that, maybe you could downgrade your feed to rss .91 or something.

  5. Eclipse - August 26, 2008 @ 12:14 pm

    Ah, I’ve fixed it now, I had to refer to the tag as [‘content’][‘encoded’] instead of [content:encoded]. So you don’t have to do anything.

  6. Archangel - August 26, 2008 @ 12:27 pm


  7. March - August 27, 2008 @ 1:41 am

    got me curious, I’m betting I know who you speak of that “but things that change my opinion about some people.” 1st, Am I one of those people? I would severely doubt it as you pretty much know me better than I know me, and 2nd, if it’s not me, I bet I can guess who :P.


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