Politics… enough to make you sick?

Rush Limbaugh, despite his seething hatred for liberals (which it seems is all he can talk about), made a very interesting point during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) yesterday. I’d like to highlight the following section:

Now, this is not prosperity. It is not going to engender prosperity. It’s not going to create prosperity and it’s also not going to advance or promote freedom. It’s going to be just the opposite. There are going to be more controls over what you can and can’t do, how you can and can’t do it, what you can and can’t drive, what you can and can’t say, where you can and can’t say it. All of these things are coming down the pike, because it’s not about revenue generation to them, it’s about control. They do believe that they have compassion. They do believe they care. But, see, we never are allowed to look at the results of their plans, we are told we must only look at their good intentions, their big hearts. The fact that they have destroyed poor families by breaking up those families by offering welfare checks to women to keep having babies no more father needed, he’s out doing something, the government’s the father, they destroy the family. We’re not supposed to analyze that. We’re not supposed to talk about that. We’re supposed to talk about their good intentions. They destroy people’s futures. The future is not Big Government. Self-serving politicians. Powerful bureaucrats. This has been tried, tested throughout history. The result has always been disaster. President Obama, your agenda is not new. It’s not change, and it’s not hope. [Applause] Spending a nation into generational debt is not an act of compassion. All politicians, including President Obama, are temporary stewards of this nation. It is not their task to remake the founding of this country. It is not their task to tear it apart and rebuild it in their image.

I like good intentions and I like helping people, but bringing the rest of the country down to almost lower class status is not the way to help others. Spending us into oblivion is going to do nothing but force taxes to a new and catastrophic level. Obama is not creating the utopia he sold to the masses, he is creating a nation of fear, ready to hand over our money and freedom because we HOPE he might help us. For what its worth, Obama is doing everything he promissed, so shame on us for selling our own futures to him.

I don’t agree, in large part, with Rush Limbaugh’s rehetoric, but after these last two weeks… $787B in fake stimulus, $250B (which was supposed to be $75B) in more money to self destructing banks, another $16B to a flawed and failing auto industry, untold billions promised to homeowners who took loans that were out of their pay grade on the hope they could sell for more, and a new national budget that promises my great grandchildren a debt never to be repaid… I echo Rush’s comments… I HOPE Obama fails. For the good of my family and friends, for the future of my country which provides a freedom I would fight and die for, I hope the powers that currently preside over Washington fail completely and take as few of us with them as is possible.

Archangel / March 1, 2009 / Political


  1. Eclipse - March 1, 2009 @ 9:50 pm

    I tried so hard to ignore this, so I’ll keep it short.

    Would be nice if everyone had the same ideas about what this country was founded upon. I learned it was founded on the rule of law by the majority with respect for the minority. Obama hasn’t changed anything. He’s simply doing what the majority elected him to do. Is the majority right? Who knows? Time will tell I suppose and then we’ll run another election and the country will continue ticking along. America’s doing exactly as it’s programmed to do which is to evolve to meet the needs of the people.

    So from all this you probably think I’m all happy about the bailouts and of course I’m not, but meh. In the long run it’ll work out. The plan is for the debt to be much smaller by the time his term is up, and he will be judged then.

    I’m still waiting for you to quit your job and start mooching off the system, since you said everyone would!

  2. Archangel - March 2, 2009 @ 1:32 pm

    Common Mike. Lets not get into off the cuff rhetorical antagonism. You seem to only read what you want in something and ignore context.

    What I said before was that with the direction the current leaders are taking us, we’ll get to the point that is will be just as easy to live off the system as have a job and at that point many people will be so disenfranchised for paying for their neighbors that they’ll simply do the same. I said nothing that would even imply that I would do it, nor have I said we’re at that point now.

    To address your idea of majority rules… go look at every poll about the stimulus. The cumulative measure of all polls together, which is generally the most accurate account of American thought, says 60% of America was against the bill. Where is majority rules? What about the auto bailout? 70% of America was against the first, I bet even more will be against the next. Majority rule my ass. People were fed up with war spending and forcing our morality on a people that never asked for our help… they didn’t ask for what we’ve been given. This is the biggest problem with the two party system where we’re forced to vote for someone no matter what and we can’t leave a seat empty.

    I’m glad you still have faith in Obama and the Democrats in Congress. You attitude towards what they’re doing to this country is disturbing through (“meh”?). I, however, can see no good ends from the current actions being taken. If we had an infinite source of wealth, I’d be happy to do all of this, but this is my future they’re playing with. This is my future they’re stealing from. Yours as well, we should all be angry about it.

  3. Eclipse - March 2, 2009 @ 10:01 pm

    Why so serious!? XD
    Lighten up or I won’t reply to your rants anymore. Maybe that’s what you want. *shrug*

    Anyways our majority is in our republic, our elected officials. They chose Obama/Democrats. Obama is doing what he said he would do. If it works, great! If not, well that sucks and he’ll be voted out. My ONLY point is that America is not being torn down, it is the same as ever.

    So I’m sure we’ll all be discussing this in 2012 when we can do something about it again, but until then I’ll see how it plays out and how the big picture comes together – so yes meh for now. If I like it, I’ll say he can keep the job, and if I don’t I’ll vote against him. That’s America for ya!

  4. Archangel - March 3, 2009 @ 9:08 am

    Sorry… your post read as serious so I responded in kind.

    In November I agreed that we had to give Obama a shot, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to “just take it” for 4 years. We have an opportunity to stem these policies in two, and the way I see all of this going we’re going to need that opportunity.

    The problem with your idea that the majority is in our republic is that our republic is a representative democracy. Members of Congress are supposed to vote the way the majority of their constituencies want. I would agree with anyone who said that has likely never actually happened since most of the founding fathers were businessmen just trying to find a better way to operate, but throughout history we’ve seen that politicians have at least tried to give a facade of voting the people’s conscience. The will of the people, those who give the government their power, in my opinion, is being summarily ignored simply because the Democrats managed to demonize Republicans enough that people thought conservatives wouldn’t support the needs of the people.

    But thank you for posting on my rants 😀 makes me feel like having this site isn’t completely useless.

  5. Eclipse - March 4, 2009 @ 6:21 pm

    Sorry, I’ll use more happy faces next time 🙂

  6. Archangel - March 6, 2009 @ 1:06 pm

    A couple days passed, I have a question for you now.

    Given Obama’s continued doom and gloom speeches, the fact that every time he makes a public address the stock market falls 150+ points (cumulatively between the 3 major indicies), and the fact that every major action he’s taken has caused the DOW to drop 200+ points on its own… do you really think what Obama is doing will ever help us or that what he is doing is the rigth thing to do?

  7. March - March 7, 2009 @ 3:27 am

    I have a video for you that solves the conspiracy about the Dow dropping:



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