The perfect example.
This is a perfect example of our broken political system. In one article, this man has made crystal clear why nothing can or will be done to improve our situation. Its why Health Care reform was passed in a way that didn’t come close to resembling what Obama talked about in his candidacy (not that he really gave specifics). Its why in the same bill for health care we passed a measure that completely changed the student lending in this country. Its why bills like the Dream Act get attached to military budget measures…
If I may project my own opinion on top of Frum’s, I think the largest part of the degradation, at least publically, has come in the last two years. Bush has been a most gracious punching bag since the Obama administration took over. Obama’s administration on the other hand is playing the worst kind of politics with everything they do. Every reasonable compromise is met with sarcasm and derision with the goal of scoring political points (no doubt John Boehner is playing into that too).
“Obama’s administration on the other hand is playing *AGAINST* the worst kind of politics with everything they do. Every reasonable compromise *OF OBAMA’S* is met with sarcasm and derision with the goal of scoring political points (no doubt John Boehner is playing into that too).”
Fixed that for you 🙂