If ever I have been close to a heart attack in all my life, tonight has been the closest to it.
Life works itself out most of the time if you let it. By no means to I mean you should just sit back and wait for life to happen, but sometimes you have to take a step back to let God show you the next two.
So… interesting things going on upstairs lately. Been thinking about where I’m hoping my life’s compass points to or possibly just ignoring reason all together… Couple thoughts: 1.) I’m really not in love with corporate life, quite the contrary in fact. 2.) I’m not quite fond of consulting and being forced to travel to a new city once a month. As a result of these, I’m putting thought into other avenues… one being law (patent law to be precise). I think I may take a few pre-law classes here and get a general idea of what its like. In the meantime, I’m going to start working on my internship with AEP. Hopefully I can get into the Security Engineering group and work directly with the IDS/IPS, firewalls, and integrity teams. There’s an interesting guy there who does deep level packet inspection for fun… I think I’d like him.
I’ve been wall climbing 8 out of the past 12 days… I’m up to 5.10a or b.